Online Poker Terms Explained

Poker terms are a key component of your poker game. Whether you’re playing cash games or online tournaments, you need to understand how they work. In this article, you’ll learn about Levelling, Leverage, Check in the Dark, and All-in. By the end of the article, you’ll understand how they affect your game, and how to use them to your advantage.


Levelling is one of the most important aspects of poker strategy and perhaps the most difficult to master. It cannot be taught and instead must be mastered by playing thousands of hands. It involves many factors beyond math, and depends on the player’s intuition and ability to read the game flow. To master it, you must first understand how to identify it.

Levelling is a largely psychological concept and it is often difficult to internalise. Essentially, levelling is the process of adjusting your strategy to the opponent. There are two major factors that contribute to levelling. One is history of playing the game. Another factor is playing on several levels at once, which is commonly known as fancy play syndrome.


Leverage in online poker is a powerful tool for achieving a competitive advantage over opponents. It allows you to take advantage of your opponents’ limited chips. In tournament play, this can be particularly important. By learning to exploit your opponent’s smallest stack, you will have the highest possible edge. Short-stacked opponents are much less likely to call raises. Instead, they are more likely to check their hand or reraise all-in.

Social media has made advertising on social media far more sophisticated. Today, companies can reach up to 2 billion users through Facebook. These platforms have a wealth of content to promote their products. In addition to the traditional methods of advertising, many companies are using viral content or events to get their message out. One recent example is Cadbury’s ‘white egg’ promotion, which reached 88% of the UK population.

Check in the Dark

Check in the Dark is a tactic used by poker players to play out of turn. It allows a player to check a hand without betting before the flop. It is a popular tactic among recreational players. However, it can leave you vulnerable if you are inexperienced. You should know what makes a hand worth checking in the dark before you use this tactic.

If you’re playing in the cash game, check in the dark is a great tactic to use. This technique can help you win small amounts of money over time. Checking in the dark is a good way to deprive your opponent of information. If your opponent is short-tempered, you can even encourage them to re-raise or all-in by betting in the dark.


In poker, the term “all-in” means that a player has placed all of his or her chips in the pot. Once this is done, the player can take no further action, such as raising or calling. Those who have gone all-in are referred to as the hero or the villain, depending on which role they play in the game.

Poker players who have gone all-in are unable to make any further bets until they show their cards. This is common practice in poker tournaments, where a player’s card must be shown to the other players. However, in a cash game, showing your cards is not necessary.

Cold deck

In online poker, the term “cold deck” refers to a hand that plays as if the player did not use a deck. In fact, this type of hand is rare. A straight flush, consisting of five cards of the same suit and face value, is one example. A player who has these hands is usually justified in making a large bet or raising.

Cold decks can also be used to describe players who are having a bad run of cards. This may mean not winning any hands and being sucked out of a big pot. In some cases, a cold deck might also refer to a rigged deck that is intentionally used to defraud a player of chips.

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